Sunday, March 9, 2008

week 5

1. I visited three of the libraries. Appleton, Charlotte NC, and Denver Teen Spot. I found that Denver offered the most amount of information on their account; too much in fact.
2. I felt that Appleton had the least amount of information on their account and I guess I'm not sure how effective "surfacing" information is to the general public.
3. I think that MySpace or Facebook could become a tool for our library. I'm not sold on the idea of just having some basic information on our account and our patrons would flock to our page.
4. I'm not ready to create an account on Facebook. I had a difficult time finding other libraries on MySpace. I have serious reservations on how you would involve your patron to become your friend and why would they feel MySpace would be the go-to place for getting information and answers to your questions?

Final thoughts; I think MySpace and Facebook has it place in life; but I don't think I'm ready to go there yet.